Friday, February 25, 2011

Parka has rallied!

Our girl is doing so much better!
   Quick Vet update: Parka has rallied and has even eaten a small amount of food and kept it down. They did an ultra sound on her and could see that her colon was pretty inflamed, her lymph nodes enlarged and that her adrenal glands are smaller than normal. However, that doesn't mean she has Addison's disease. They are testing for that now.

   HOME TOMORROW is the thought . . . WHOOPEE! They will call us in the morning to set up a plan.

   I am leaving for the airport to pick up Richard and we will go to visit her right away. I'm sure that will be great for both of them . . .  and I will love it, too.

   I will ask Miss Parka to give you a message and will post it ASAP.

   Thanks for all the love, support and prayers . . . they have helped to pull her through I'm sure.

Claudia Faubion in Denver

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