Celebrate dependence my friends,
I really celebrate my dependence on my raisers and my partner. They take such good care of me. Where would I be without them?
The first couple of months, I was not allowed to do much outside except go to the back yard and “do my business.” Everybody seemed concerned that I’d pick up some kind of disease if I mingled with other dogs in the neighborhood so I was pretty much kept inside.
One weekend, I was taken to the backyard of the house of the leader of my puppy club (called "Diamonds in the Ruff"). While there, I met another new puppy and we walked around and demonstrated what we knew. The main expectations were that I would sit, stay and go down when told, which I did . . . of course!
I learned a lot from Marcel who could do the same things that I was told to do, but even better. I watched him and learned fast. Seemed like not much to ask for. After all, life seemed pretty much easy at home and I was getting plenty of good food.
Then I had to go to the doctor - ugh! This guy always wants to poke me with a needle. Somebody tell him - I don’t like needles!
I heard Gary call him a Vet, short for veterinarian - a dog doctor. They should call him Torch, short for "torture - inarian!"
After my last shots, I was finally allowed to go to bi-weekly "Diamonds in the Ruff" meetings. Some were at a park - my favorite spot - and some near a busy intersection. These meetings are fun for me. I get to see all the other dogs in the puppy club.
I found out that my buddy, Marcel, was once part of this puppy club. I wonder why he still does not belong? It must be just for young pups. Some are much older than me but so far, I am the youngest.
I’m a lot more handsome than these other dudes. I get lots of attention. The leader of our club, Gwenn, expects good behavior from all of us and Gary always reminds me of that before we go to the meeting.
After I graduated college, Richard, Mom and I got to visit the puppy club in mid January. (See the picture.) It was great to see a lot of my friends and several puppies that had really grown up by then.
I was a working dog now and all this basic training had really paid off. Dad did a clicker demonstration for the crowd and I made him look REALLY good. I found the chair when he asked me to. Boy, was everyone impressed!
I truly feel like a STUD, a real Diamond . . . no longer "in the Ruff."
Lots of big licks and belly rubs,
Spike agrees with you Zane, those shots at the vet were definitely the WORST part of being a puppy.
So great to hear from you! I've been on vacation with Mom and Dad. Yes, I did not like those SHOTS either. What type of canine are you? How long have you been a guide dog?
I would love to hear some of your most favorite or funny experiences. Hope you had a good 4th of July weekend. I really enjoy fireworks.
All the best licks to you, Zane
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