Good morning,
3 cheers, Hoorah, Hoorah, Hoorah! Zane has finally returned home safely to the his first family, the Johnpeers. Listen to the excitement that Gary and the family had in anticipation of his return:
"I called to verify Zane is scheduled to be on the GDB puppy truck arriving this FRI PM from San Rafael and Mary Eastman said he is all ready to go! She is checking in his food so I don't have to give him a food change. What were you feeding him when he was sent back to SR? How much daily? If you find the time could you ask your vet for copies of his vet records? I'd like to keep a complete file on his health said he had a couple ear infections (I think).
"Gosh, we are sure looking forward to seeing that big black beast again. He's had quite a year, hasn't he? I was thinking today that it was last Thanksgiving that you got him and it's almost Thanksgiving again and now we get him back. What a series of exciting events he's had in his short life! And just think how many lives he's touched. And how many dogs ever had their own blog spot with such an interested group of nationwide supporters? I wonder what he's thinking about all this?"
"PS: Look for some pictures of Zane late Fri night. When you coming back to sunny Southern California?"
Well, the puppy truck arrived right on time Friday night, and Gary updated us by phone and with this email:
"Hey guys....I sent a bunch of pics of Zane ...a batch of 27 was sent (twice) and following that was a single image. I sure hope you got them OK. (We did!)
The puppy truck arrived promptly at 8:00 PM and we had a wonderful reunion. He got his picture taken many times and had his supper at the puppy truck. I've sent you his first pictures as I promised and he is now lying by my computer at 10 PM as I write this, yes, in his "frog" position. He seems to be right at home. However, I really think initially when we first saw him there was a look in his eye asking "where's Richard?"
Seriously. It was eerie. During the last hour though he seems to have settled in quite well, seems very comfortable and that look isn't as obvious. We're so glad he is safely here and off the puppy truck. He seemed fed up with the 16 barking puppies they are delivering to Phoenix tomorrow while Sayer couldn't get enough of them. Yes, Sayer is in 7th heaven as you'd expect. They spent their first 15 minutes at the house playing tug-of-war with a PVC pipe-toy and running around the house trying to play take-away when one got it.
Love, G and the other "lucky dogs".
It is great that Zane is being loved so much by his first family. Yes, I miss him terribly, but I have to move on for my opportunity to get a new guide dog. I should hear very soon according to GDB and I can't wait to be part of the December class of 2008.
Love to all, Zane is home safely, Richard
Zane, happy to hear that you're back with your first family! I was in LA last Friday & Saturday and thought about you.
Richard, any news of upcoming class yet??? You have to find a buddy who would share bacon in Oregon:) I heard that the food is even better there!!!
Best Wishes
I'm glad to hear Zane is happy and safely back with his puppy raisers. He sounds happy in his new life. I can't wait to hear more on your next class!
Richard - Glad to hear Zane is back to his puppy raiser home-- I know that makes it a little easier for you ...wishing you the very best in this transition time-- I know it isn't easy.
Best Wishes - Will you be in Oregon or CA?
I'm glad that Zane is so happy with his puppy raisers. But I know how hard it must be to let him go. My puppy, Lawrence, was put in class with a man who had to retire his other guide very early, like you, and he said it was the hardest thing in the world to do.
I'm so excited to hear about your next class (and dog)! If you go to OR, maybe it'll be a pupper I know :D
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