Monday, April 13, 2009

Television Career? Colorado & Company

Good morning, fellow k-9's,

On March 19, the 3 of us went to 9News in dowtown Denver to
promote our upcoming events in the Denver area. Dad included a
picture of us after the TV spot on Colorado & Company. You can
go the and you might find the segment on-line.

I felt pretty proud of my good-looking, sleek, fashionable self as they
seemed to be so enamored with me. I thought Carmen was a lot
better looking than me, but I am a pretty HOT sumber. I could see
myself on the BIG screen TV that they had in the room and that camera
man just kept focusing on me as Dad and Carmen talked!

In the picture are Carmen Swick, VP, Fundraising and Event Chair for the Blind Tast of the Rockies & Auction which will beheld on June 4 in a corporate jet hanger for the jet-set! Dad is there with me and Mark McIntosh who is the host of the show. Carmen knows him so she got us on for a 5-minute spot. Is this how Marilyn Monroe got her start?

In face, they wanted to do a teaser spot prior to our coming on, so they sat Dad down in a chair with me in front of him and we just made magic to draw in the 100,000+ viewers in Denver. Wow, I'm a star!

I was not nervous at all and I was a perfect, young lady. Everyone just oohed and ahhed as I did my thing!

Love to all and I know you are jealous! Miss Parka

1 comment:

Becky Andrews said...

Awesome ... you go girl! Glad you got some air time. Sounds like you are doing a great job and keeping Richard safe.